
Take control of your crypto investments with Ledger.com/start. Get started on your journey to financial security in the digital age.

Ledger.com/start is a web page specifically designed for the initial setup and activation of Ledger hardware wallets. When you acquire a Ledger device, such as the Nano S or Nano X, visiting the ledger.com/start page is the first step in configuring your wallet securely.

Here’s what you can expect when using Ledger.com/start:

  1. Device Activation: The page provides instructions on how to activate your Ledger hardware wallet. You’ll need to connect your device to a computer or mobile device via USB and follow the setup process.

  2. Creating a New Wallet: If you’re setting up a new wallet, the page will guide you through creating a new wallet on your Ledger device. This involves generating a recovery phrase (also known as a seed phrase) that serves as a backup for your wallet.

  3. Restoring an Existing Wallet: If you already have a Ledger wallet and need to restore it (for example, after a device reset or if you’re switching to a new device), the page will help you restore your wallet using your recovery phrase.

  4. Installing Apps: Ledger wallets support various cryptocurrencies. The ledger.com/start page will prompt you to install the relevant apps for the cryptocurrencies you intend to manage on your device.

  5. Security Measures: During the setup process, you’ll be reminded of essential security practices, such as keeping your recovery phrase offline, never sharing it with anyone, and verifying the authenticity of your Ledger device.

Remember that Ledger hardware wallets are designed to keep your cryptocurrency assets secure by storing private keys offline. However, it’s crucial to remain vigilant against phishing attempts and follow best practices to protect your wallet and assets .

Last updated